Our mission is to put our clients above all by continuing to provide the highest quality, most reliable, and cost-effective products and services.

Wood Tanks
We clean, repair, maintain, and replace wood tanks for both domestic water & fire protection systems. We perform the annual tank cleaning and disinfecting according to New York City codes, as well as seasonal tank preparation to ensure efficient operation and consistent delivery of clean water.
More services
- Annual Cleaning & Disinfecting
- Replacements & New Installations
- Flat & Conical Cover Repairs/Replacements
- Tank Controls
- High-Low Alarm Systems
- Steam & Electric Tank Heaters
- FDNY Required Temperature Sensors
- Structural Steel Repairs & Coatings

Steel Tanks
We install steel water tanks in newly constructed buildings and replace water tanks in existing buildings. We provide the annual tank cleaning and disinfecting according to New York City codes, as well as tank linings, repairs, preventative maintenance, and other services.
More services
- Annual Cleaning & Disinfecting
- Replacements & New Installations
- Cement Linings
- Epoxy Coatings
- Tank Controls
- High-Low Alarm Systems
- FDNY Required Temperature Sensors
- Welding Repairs

Cooling Towers
We provide complete installation, repair, and maintenance services for cooling towers. This includes refurbishing, upgrading, designing, and replacing existing towers. Our goal is to increase a cooling tower's energy efficiency and reliability in order to reduce energy costs.
More services
- Cooling Tower Replacements
- New Fill & Drift Eliminators
- New Motors & Gear Boxes
- Control Systems
- Pan Heaters
- Sub-metering for DEP Sewer Rebate

We offer a wide variety of plumbing services including backflow testing, plumbing repairs, and steam system upgrades. Additionally, we install water meters, filtration systems, and heating systems.
More services
- 5-Year Hydrostatic Testing
- FDNY Violation Compliance & Removal
- Water Meter Installations
- Steam Stations
- Pump Repairs & Replacements
- Insulation & Heat Tracing of Piping